It's Not Going to Happen to Me by Mark Nichol Procrastination and avoidance are two things that you don't want to be remembered for. What happens when you are mentally incompetent and have no Power of Attorney (POA) or you die without a valid Will. Since you won't have to deal with it, doesn't mean you shouldn't care. If you become incapable of managing your affairs and do not have an enduring POA or representation agreement and you have property which requires management, a committee of...
Month: October 2016
The Art of Tax Loss Selling by Mark Nichol If you have bought and sold capital property this year you should review these transactions to determine whether you need to do some balancing transactions. The effect of selling off investments to create gains or losses can improve your income tax position for 2016. This year, you have until December 27th to make any transactions count. To begin: Gather the following information and book an appointment with one of our financial advisors: Find your...